Saturday, March 17, 2012

Meghan McCain in Playboy: Loving Sex, Hating Bristol Palin

Meghan McCain, daughter of U.S. Senator and 2008 Republican presidential nominee John McCain, poses for Playboy this month. Innocently, of course.

Her mere presence in the men's mag (and some of the quotes she gave in an interview with it) are sure to raise eyebrows, but this one pic is it. Sorry.

Meghan revealed to Playboy that she “almost overdosed on Xanax” the day before the 2008 election, and dismissed any rumors that she is gay.

Using an obscene rhyme, Meghan, a same-sex marriage advocate, said was “strictly d!ckly” (straight), adding: “I can’t help it. I love sex and I love men.”

Meghan McCain Playboy Pic

Shifting her focus elsewhere, Meghan McCain told Playboy that a memoir written by Bristol Palin, Sarah’s daughter known for her teen pregnancy, was a “total lie.”

At the WHCA dinner, Bristol “totally took off” when she saw Meghan across the room, lest Bristol be confronted about the book's remarks on the McCain family.

In Not Afraid of Life, Bristol dings Meghan and mom Cindy McCain for having “so much Louis Vuitton luggage, so many cell phones, so many helpers," etc.

Bristol Palin also writes of Meghan McCain that after their first meeting in 2008, she had the “sneaking suspicion that I might need to watch my back.”

At their run-in last year, “I saw her across the room,” Meghan said. “That girl biffed it fast, totally took off. All that stuff she wrote was a total lie."

"I have, like, one Louis Vuitton purse. I understand that she’s just young and confused and was thrust into all this. The media aren’t kind to her."

"But, once someone signs up for Dancing with the Stars, it’s hard to sympathize.”

Pretty much. Meghan says she told her dad, on what might have been in '08:

“You would have the craziest first daughter ever, who’d be making ridiculous headlines and hurting the administration every step of the way.”

Her biggest turn-on in a guy? A sense of humor:

“I went on a date, like, a week ago, and the guy just wanted to talk policy and strategy the entire time. Talk about a mood killer ... If he can make me laugh, I don’t care if he looks like Zach Galifianakis; it’s an instant turn-on.”

Back to politics, Meghan McCain gave her take on the 2012 primary cycle, lamenting the lack of "electricity" in this year's crop of candidates.

"It's just been so lame," she said.

"So many debates, so much blather, so much oversaturation. The [GOP needs] someone to excite younger people, independents, Hispanic voters and the disenfranchised."

"I think if Chris Christie is the vice presidential nominee we can change the weather and have a very good chance of beating Obama. I love that he's no bullsh!t."


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